Tuesday, July 26, 2005

To trust or not to trust?

C's relationship with W has not been a smooth one since they decided to take the relationship a level above friendship in mid-2002. It was a roller-coaster ride with exhilirating highs, deep plunges and hard-knocks at the corners. Many times C called for time-outs, only to be drawn to W again. Alas, the decision to go separate ways was made 4 months ago. W repeatedly told C that when C finds someone, W will take it as a sign to cease hoping. W confidently added that it would be a very long time before W would start courting someone again, quoting past relationship with L.

Yesterday, W emailed C "I meant to tell you earlier. I am going out with T now". C felt it would be better to just stick a knife through the heart then revealing the truth over email. Some would say 'Hey, the both of you have gone separate ways and it's been 4 months! Get on with life.' Question is "Meant to tell earlier"... so just how long has it been?? How true were those repeated words and quotes 4 months ago??

4 months may be more than enough for some to recover from a 2-year relationship but not for C. And to C's understanding, W is not one that rebounds so quickly. History has proven so. Perhaps W has changed. Perhaps T holds greater qualities than C and L.

C did a self-check. Still in love with W? No, not in the way it used to be in 2003/04/early 05 but still cares for W. Why then was the news upsetting? Basically not knowing why W is able to start another relationship which poses a similar hurdle W faced in relationship with C. How is C to trust W's words from this day forth?


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